The Beatitudes
MORNING PRAISE | November 01, 2019 | Solemnity of All Saints The Beatitudes | Matthew 5: 1-12 PERSONAL REFLECTION Reflecting on why I am here in Arvisu and the journey that led me here, I find it hard to discount how my love for nature trips and climbing mountains figure into my discernment. It is in climbing mountains that I have come to realize that money, fame, and creature comforts are not the sole sources of happiness. It is in immersing myself in the beauty of nature that I have come to see the beauty of God himself – a beauty that He so readily offers me despite my smallness and insignificance. My favorite hiking trip would definitely be when I climbed Mt. Pulag back in May 2014. Being a newbie in mountain climbing who was desperately out of shape, the high altitude often left me out of breath and thirsty, and my ego was bruised too, as I had to hire the services of a porter to carry my things. My porter just happened to be a 13-year old girl whose full height...